Past Workshops and Conferences
Past Workshops and Conferences
The African Census Analysis Project has organized several workshops/conferences over the past ten years.
Statistics Forum: Africa Counts
July 10–16, 2006: ACAP was invited to co-organize a workshop with Stats SA and to participate at “Statistics Forum: Africa Counts” in Durban, South Africa. At this forum several regional (including SADC and national statistical offices of several African nations) and continental organizations (including African Development Bank, Friends of the Economic Commission of Africa) embraced the objectives of ACAP. It was recommended that ACAP should evaluate the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals using its vast database.
A General Demography of Africa: Editorial Board Meeting
July 2005: After an initial period of isolated and individual discussions with the various members, we convened the first general meeting of the editorial board in Tours, France. At this meeting the editorial board members deliberated and agreed on the best strategy for the successful realization of this series.
A mirror of PACE
December 09, 2004 : Launching of mirror PACE South Africa. As part of the process for setting up the mirror of PACE in South Africa, we co-organized with Stats SA two training workshops in Pretoria, South Africa.
From African Demography to African Population Studies
November 11–14, 2004 : As part of our efforts to promote a better understanding of African population and society, we planned and organized, in collaboration with the Université Laval (which coordinates the demography network of the francophone universities agency: Réseau Démographie—Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, RD-AUF), a roundtable entitled “From African Demography to African Population Studies: Memory and the Future.” This was held in New Orleans during the 47 th Annual Meetings of the African Studies Association.
Data Needs for District Level Planning
August 3–9, 2003: In Kampala, Uganda a workshop was held on “Data Needs for District Level Planning in Uganda.” The main aim of the meeting was to discuss and develop plans for a collaborative program and future workshops on how PACE can be used to respond to data needs in district planning. During the five-day period discussion sessions were held with major stakeholders involved in district planning as well as relevant Ministries.
Workshop on Demography and Health in Africa
( Bellagio, Italy, December 03-13, 2002)
At the Rockefeller Foundation’s Study and Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy, a workshop on “Demography and Health in Africa” was held in collaboration with the INDEPTH Network. This workshop brought together a diverse team of participants from the selected members of INDEPTH and selected partners of ACAP (from African census bureaus). This workshop provided an opportunity for participants to discuss ways and means of utilizing African census and demographic surveillance data to better understand Africa’s population health.
See Agenda >>
Social Change and the Demography of Africa: Evidence from the Analysis of Census Data
( Dakar, Senegal, January 15-17, 2001)
A conference entitled “Social Change and the Demography of Africa: Evidence from the Analysis of Census Data” was organized in collaboration with the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) and the Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD) in Dakar, Senegal. This conference, during which the first output of ACAP's ongoing research was discussed, brought together more than 50 participants (researchers and census officials) from over 12 African countries. During the three-day conference over 20 scholarly papers were presented and discussed.
See Agenda >>
Virtual Conference on The African Household
November 21–24, 2001 : A virtual or internet conference was held on the theme “The African Household: An Exploration of Census Data.” This conference focused on patterns of household living arrangements in Africa based on evidence from census micro-data and longitudinal data from the INDEPTH field sites.
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( Pretoria, South Africa, November 29 to December 1, 2001)
Another workshop was organized in Pretoria in collaboration with Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). During this workshop papers for the upcoming volume After Robben Island: The Demography of South Africa were presented and discussed. Some 30 participants including members of the SADC statistics committee, Stats SA, and other ACAP partners and collaborators attended this workshop.
See Agenda >>
Evaluation of Preliminary Research Results and Research Agenda
(Bellagio, Italy, April 8-20, 1999)
The third workshop was held in Bellagio, Italy. This workshop brought together ten partners and collaborators from Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and the United States to discuss and evaluate preliminary results of ongoing research using African census data and to define/redefine the future research agenda of ACAP. The broad areas included household and family structure, fertility, mortality migration, cultural dynamics, and demography. The specific research issues discussed during this workshop included: Ethnic assimilation in Senegal; Fertility transition in South Africa; Covariates of child mortality in the Gambia; Child mortality differentials in Kenya; Patterns, trends, and differentials in household structure in Malawi; Levels, patterns, and trends of fertility and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa; Migration in sub-Saharan Africa; and Harmonization of censuses in the SADC region.
See Report >>
Sharing Experiences with Census Data and Planning Future Research
(Pretoria, South Africa, January 10-16, 1998)
The second workshop was organized in collaboration with Statistics South Africa in Pretoria, South Africa. This workshop brought together African scholars and officials from various African census bureaus and international organizations to share their experiences with census data and to plan future research activities. Representatives from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and UNFPA suggested the change in name from African Census Project (ACP) to the African Census Analysis Project (ACAP) in order to avoid confusion with the UN ACP project. This workshop was critical in the consolidation of the ACAP Pan-African collaboration and established a research agenda and the protocol for future collaborative activities. It was attended by some 46 participants
Unveiling ACAP
March 1997 : The first African Census Project (ACP) workshop was held at the University of Pennsylvania. This marked the beginning as well as articulated the objectives of the project. This was attended by some 19 participants
Technical Meetings & presentations at Penn
ACAP has held various technical meetings (involving mostly colleagues and research associates or collaborators at the University of Pennsylvania). These technical meetings provide the opportunity to review the implementation of the PACE work plan or for collaborators to present and discuss findings of ongoing research.
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